Need to Know
Event Rules
- Your dog must have an AKC registration number, PAL, ILP or Canine Partner number to compete. You MUST have this number with you to fill out the forms. You can easily go online to the AKC EVEN ON THE DAY OF THE EVENT, and get a Canine Partner number almost immediately upon payment to the AKC.
- One event form per dog per event. If you are running an AM FAST CAT and a PM FAST CAT on the same day, you must fill out 2 Entry forms
- Dogs may wear any collar except a choker collar, prong collar or an electronic training collar.
- All tags on the collar should be secure. The event committee, as any time, can ask the exhibitor to remove the tags or secure the tags. Owner takes full responsibility for the safety of the dog with regard to the dog’s collar and paraphernalia on the dog. it is not advised to wear a Halti or a harness.
- Please pay attention to the trial hours listed on the Premium List and know when the entries close for each event.
Safety Protocol
- Practice “social distancing” of at least 6 feet apart from other people
- Avoid petting dogs that you do not own
- Bring your own pen or pencil for filling out entry forms
- Avoid hugging or shaking hands
- Please have a mask and gloves for your safety
- Please have hand sanitizer or disinfectant wipes
- Keep a distance of 10 feet or more between vehicles
- During check-in, everyone will be required to maintain a distance of 10 feet from the person in front of and behind you
- The Event Committee will call 10 dogs at a time to form a line to run
- If these guidelines are not followed, you will be asked to leave the event and your entries will be forfeited
- All ribbons will be placed on a separate table for pickup
- Chits will not be given out at check-in. The FTS will give chits to the Timer
- Please bring completed forms for “DAY OF” entries
No entry fees will be refunded if the event cannot be started or completed by reason of riots, civil disturbances, fire, extreme and/or dangerous weather conditions, an Act of God, public emergency, act of a public enemy, strikes or any other cause beyound the control of the Club or it’s members and representatives.
A penalty of $5.oo may be assessed for any loose dogs not competing in the course in progress.
Persons exhibiting conduct detrimental to AKC/GCSHC/any dog(s) and/or other person(s) will be asked to leave the trial site.
The event-hosting club, it’s agents, members, representatives, volunteers, etc. assume no responsibility for any loss, damage or injury sustained by exhibitors, handlers, or to any of their dogs or property and further assumes no responsibility for injury to children or spectators.
All rights to televise, videotape, advertise, photograph, promote or otherwise exploit this event are vested in the club, or in persons to whom assignments of such rights have been made in writing by the club. All persons and animals attending these shows grant the club the right to use their likeness and voice in any matter without consent.
Entry fees submitted and accepted will be refunded in full if the withdrawal of said entries are requested by the dog’s owner or agent prior to the closing deadline for entries. Requests must be made in person to the FTS. No refunds for pre-entry fees unless the entered dog upon inspection is lame, unfit to compete, or in season.
Females in season are NOT allowed on the site.
Late, incomplete, unsigned or conditional entries, or entries not containing the “Agreement” found on the Official AKC Entry Form will not be accepted.
Substitution of dogs will be accepted at the time of roll call/inspection. Once inspection is complete, no further substitutions will be allowable.
Roll Call – 8:30am
Morning Entries Close – 11:30am
Afternoon Runs – 1:00pm-3:00pm
Sunday – Check Premium for Times
If entries are not at FTS on or before closing time, they will not be accepted.
Here are some frequently asked questions about CATS and Fast CATS. If you have a question and do not see it listed here, please contact us today.
How is the Course Designed?
The event committee is responsible for the safety of the course by ensuring they have individuals with sufficient experience and knowledge in course design at the event. This experience can be gained by serving as a lure operator, lure coursing trial chair or huntmaster, having run a dog to its lure course championship or being an AKC lure coursing judge. The judge is responsible for walking the course prior to the start of the event in order to look for hazards.
How are points calculated?
204.545 ÷ Time = MPH
Multiply MPH by handicap:
< 12" height = handicap of 2
12" - 18" height = handicap of 1.5
18" height = handicap of 1
Should my dog run the 300 or 600 yard course?
300 Yard Course
This distance is for dogs shorter than 12 inches at the withers and/or brachycephalic "flat faced" dogs. A veteran dog may run 200 yards at the owner's discretion. A dog must complete this course in less than 1 1/2 minutes.
600 Yard Course
This distance is used for all dogs that do not run the 300 yard course. A veteran dog may run 400 yards at the owner's descretion. A dog must complete this course in less than two minutes.
If there is a question whether a dog should run the 300 or 600 yard course, the judge will decide. The premium shall state the distance for each course and the eligibility of dogs for each course, including veteran dogs may run 2/3 of the normal course distance.
Dogs run singularly in all Coursing Ability Events.
Can my dog wear a collar/paraphernalia?
Dogs may wear any collar except a choker collar, a collar with prongs or an electronic training collar. The collar must be snug to minimize the chances of getting hung up on something during the run. Owners should be aware that tags hanging from the collar could be required to be removed to help prevent them from being entangled on something during the run. Owners may use clips or rubber bands to hold their dog's hair. The owner assumes responsibility for the safety of their dog regarding the dog's collar and paraphernalia on the dog.
Head halters, such as the Gentle Leader or Halti, may be used on the grounds but must not be wornwhile running the course.
How long does my dog have to wait between runs?
All dogs must wait a minimum of 45 minutes between runs, no back to back runs allowed.
Can my veteran dog run at a shorter distance?
Veteran dogs may run two thirds of the normal distance at the judge's discretion. Veteran dogs are defined for this test as a dog older than 7 years of age. A veteran dog's owner must declare prior to start which distance the dog will run.